News24 Bureau New Delhi: Underworld don Chhota Rajan was sent to Tihar prison on 14 days of judicial custody on Thursday evening. Rajan has been kept in jail number 2 of the high security prison, the Hindustan Timesreported. The don has been kept alone under constant CCTV surveillance with a Tamil Nadu state police personnel ensuring that he’s not ‘attacked’, the English daily added. Meanwhile, CBI has taken over all 71 cases against Rajan and it will soon start re-registering FIRs in them. Chhota Rajan, whose real name is Rajendra Sadashiv Nikalje, was arrested in Bali on October 25. The 55-year old don, who has been on the run for 27 years, arrived at Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport on November 6 in a special aircraft. He was being accompanied by officials of the CBI, and Delhi and Mumbai police.