The promo and poster of filmmaker Ashutosh Gowariker’s TV show EVEREST was launched on Tuesday. Co-directed by Glenn Baretto and Ankush Mohla, the Star Plus show is about the struggle of a daughter, who in order to gain her father’s acceptance decides to climb the highest mountain of the world – Mount Evere
“I was intrigued by mountaineers and always used to think what they felt after reaching the peak of any mountain. Now, I know it’s the inner satisfaction that they get,” Gowariker, who has written and produced the show, said. “The show is not only about the female protagonist as each and every character has inner conflicts which they will deal with during the journey of our serial,” he added.
Touted as the most ambitious TV project, the show has managed to bring the magic of music maestro AR Rahman, who had composed tracks for the director’s 2008 film Jodhaa Akbar, on television. “Venturing into television was on my mind for a couple of years. Ashutosh came to me with the concept which was so intriguing. It is a very good start for me,” said Rahman at the launch. – See more at:
The show’s script is penned by Mitali Mahajan. The makers collaborated with Nehru Institute of Mountaineering and shot at the peaks of Uttarakhand and Nepal.
As a token of appreciation, the makers of the show introduced behind the camera people, including costume and photography departments at the show’s promo and poster launch.
The promo portrays a larger than life image of the show with a promise to give television audience cinematic experience. “Our aim was to take cinema at audience’s home,” said Gowariker.