Recently, one Sarfraz Alam had uploaded a picture of himself with his daughter on the occasion of Janmasthami. He had dressed her up as Radha. The Facebook post has gone viral and has nearly 1000 shares and 2000 likes.
While most people were supportive of the post, Sarfraz Alam responded to the negative comments quite amicably and reasonably. Check out some of his responses:
Brother that what I wanted to make you understand That I am not doing wrong I just copied a character for time to teach my daughter.
Alhamdullilah Allah know our heart is pure and have fear of Allah. We respect all. Cause everyone created by Allah but this is other thing they believe to call things in different ways.
We in Islam Believe: There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is Allah’s prophet. But Same time Islam teach us to respect every ones Belief. So lets live the life by giving respect, Spread love and peace. Keep me remember in your DUA.
In many ways, Sarfraz Alam’s post reminds us of an India where despite our different religions or beliefs or lack thereof, we learn to respect each other and live peacefully .In fact, it’s quite common to see such pictures reminding us that we are all part of one country and culture.
If only the various hardliners, in politics or religion, could realise that religion was a stick that the British used to divide the people of this great nation. Divide-and-rule was one of the most important sticks that the British used to rule over India for so long.
Lord Elphinstone had reportedly said to a commission investigating the 1857 riots: “”Divide et impera (divide and rule) was the old Roman motto, and it should be ours”. In Political Thinkers of Modern India: Lala Lajpat Rai, Volume 15 By Verinder Grover, Sir John Maynard, a retired Senior Member of the Executive Council of Punjab says: “It is, of course, true that British authority could not have established and now could not now maintain itself but for a fissiparous tendency, of which the Hindu-Muslim antagonism is one manifestation. It’s also the true that the mass rivalry of the two communities began under British rule. Persecuting rulers made their appearance from time to time in the pre-British era, levying tribute on unbelievers or punishing with masses — before they had eaten of the tree of knowledge and became religion-conscious — worshipped peacefully side by side at the same shrines.” Now the same tricks are used by people in power to divide society based on our religious or caste identities. It’s time we stop being blinded by those people who claim they have our best interests at hurt but continue to poison our mind against people of different religions.