Delhi Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) chief Satish Upadhyay on Tuesday questioned the priority of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) following the recommendation that the salary of the MLAs be increased by four times and said the ruling party has in true sense become the ‘khaas aadmi’. ‘The AAP should decide what their priority is’ Is their priority to hike the salary of the MLAs or to tackle dengue, price rise, contractual employee problem and other problems of Delhi” he asked. He also criticised the AAP for not releasing funds for the ‘Swacch Bharat’.
They don’t have funds to pay the MCD employees for Swacch Bharat. They have to decide their priorities,’ he said. Upadhyay also alleged that the common man has not got anything in the last seven months of the AAP’s rule.
‘AAP is showing their true colours. There is a huge gap between their words and actions,’ he said. ‘They are not ‘aam aadmi’ they are definitely ‘khaas aadmi’ as they seek everything, from cars, big offices, and even four times the salary. They want everything,’ he added.
An independent panel has recommended a hike in the salary of the MLAs of Delhi. The panel has recommended that the MLAs’ salary should be increased to Rs. 50,000 from the current Rs. 12,000 and Rs. 70,000 for assistance. It has also recommended for a conveyance hike from Rs. 6,000 to Rs. 30,000.
‘We have gone into various aspects relating to the expenses and there are so many other considerations, on the basis of which we have decided that they should get this salary on these levels of allowances,’ Expert Committee member Rajiv Malik told the media.
Tara Nath Ghimire
Salary commensurate with revenue.