This is Akshay Kumar’s fourth release already in the year and after a successful Baby, an average Gabbar is Back and a below average Brothers, Akshay is back in the game with Singh is Bliing. The film which released on Friday has been raking in huge moolah at the box office as well.
After a stupendous opening of Rs 20.67 crore on its first day, SIB collected around Rs 14.50 crore on Saturday, taking its two day domestic total to a whopping Rs 35.17 crore. Now the film definitely faced a huge drop on its second day but it was already a given, knowing that Friday was a national holiday. But it witnessed a sharp growth on Sunday and netted in a little over Rs 19 crore. Now with Rs 54.44 crore in its kitty in merely three days, Akshay’s Singh is Bliing has already created many box office records.
Best opening for Akshay in 2015!
Akshay has had four films already. Brothers topped the list with around Rs 15 crore opening, thanks to Independence Day holiday. Gabbar is Back opened to Rs 13 crore and Baby had a little over Rs 9 crore chipping in on its first day. By far, SIB has turned out to be Akshay’s biggest opener of the year so far.
Highest opener for any Akshay Kumar film ever!
High on recall value (it’s prequel was super successful) and star power, Singh is Bliing had an excellent occupancy on its first day. Not just that, advance bookings which started few days prior to its release had already helped trade experts predict a bombastic opening for the film. And so it happened. SIB opened to an over Rs 20 crore mark, which is by far the highest for any Akshay starrer. His previous best was Brothers which opened at Rs 15.25 crore which beat Rowdy Rathore (Rs 15.10 crore) by a whisker.
Highest opening for any Prabhu Dheva film
Prabhu Dheva who’s been the toast of masala films ever since he forayed into filmmaking in Bollywood with Salman Khan’s Wanted. He almost made a demi-god out of our Bhaijaan who went on to become synonymous with the kind of films Prabhu’s known to make. Then, he created ripples with a huge blokbuster like Rowdy Rathore. And as we said, Singh is Bliing has smashed the RR record by miles.
Second highest opener of 2015!
After Bajrangi Bhaijaan created a storm at the box office and went on to become the biggest opener of the year, Akshay’s Brothers turned out to be the second highest opener of 2015. And now that SIB has beaten Akshay’s previous record, it has also turned out to be the second highest opener of the year.
Second highest collections on any holiday in 2015
With over Rs 20 crore in its kitty on Friday, the film has also managed to record the second highest collections for any film on a holiday. Bajrangi Bhaijaan had a Rs 27 crore opening on Eid, which stands tall on top of the list but Akshay just displaced his own film Brothers from the second spot. Thanks to SIB’s towering collections on Gandhi Jayanti.
Second highest opening weekend of 2015!
Bajrangi Bhaijaan had smashed all pre-existing records with a humongous Rs 102 crore show in the first three days. While the second highest opening weekend belonged to Akshay’s last release Brothers (Rs 52.08 crore) followed by John Abraham’s Welcome Back (Rs 51 crore), with Rs 54 crore in its pocket, SIB has recorded the second highest opening weekend for the year.
Highest opening weekend for any Akshay Kumar film
SIB is also emerging as Akshay’s biggest bet till date. Why? After it turned out to be Akshay’s biggest opener till date, the huge collections in the first three days itself has catapulted the film to record the highest opening weekend for the actor.
Consecutive 50 crore weekends for Akshay!
Akshay Kumar’s Brothers recorded an opening weekend of Rs 52.08 crore which was his previous best until SIB recorded a Rs 54.44 crore weekend this time, thereby beating his earlier record. Both the films released back to back, hence Akshay had two consecutive films with above Rs 50 crore opening weekend.
Second highest Sunday collection for 2015!
Singh is Bliing collected around Rs 19 crore on its first Sunday, which is also the second highest by any film this year. It was Salman’s Bajrangi Bhaijaan which got around Rs 38 crore, which stands as the highest collections for any film on its first Sunday ever.
Tara Nath Ghimire
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