Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday addressed the Indian diaspora in San Jose, California and said that there had been a change in the mindset of the people across the world as they were now saying that the 21st century belongs to India.
Here are top quotes from PM Modi’s speech
1. Your fingers created magic on the keyboard and the computer and this gave India a new identity. Your skill and commitment is wonderful.
2. I have faith in the nation because India is youthful. 65% of our population is under the age of 35.
3. We are harbingers of peace. We come from the land of Gandhi & Buddha.
4. Terrorism is terrorism. There is no good terrorism and bad terrorism.
. UN still hasn’t been able to define terrorism. If it will take so much time to define, how will we tackle it?
6. From Upanishads we have moved to Upgraha. India succeeded in its Mars Mission in the very first attempt.
7. Today, the world looks at India with hope and confidence.
8. I am trying my best to live up to everyone’s expectations.
9. Brain drain can become brain gain, did anyone ever think about this. That’s why I have a different outlook towards this. I see it as ‘Brain Deposit’, out to look for opportunities. When that comes this brain will give back to India with interests.
10. Am I working? Am I working for nation? Am I fulfilling promises?
11. Who brought this change? This change was not by brought by Modi, but 125 crore Indians.
12. We are moving ahead with ‘JAM of all’, where ‘J’ stands for Jandhan account, ‘A’ for Aadhar Card and ‘M’ for Mobile governance.
Tara Nath Ghimire
When he returns will he lift Nepal embargo ?
Ashish S Thakur
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