Krishna Kumar, a 65-year old Hindi typist, who usually sits outside the General Post Office in Lucknow with his typewriter and struggles to earn a bare minimum for his family was in for a shock on Saturday.
A sub-inspector, Pradeep Kumar, reportedly asked him to vacate the spot where the old man has been working for almost 10 hours a day for the last 35 years. When Krishna protested, the cop abused him and kicked his typewriter until it was broken into pieces.
Local reporters present there caught the action on their cameras and the news spread like wildfire on the social media. There were vehement protests regarding the incident on several social media platforms and an outrage towards the insensitivity of the sub-inspector.
Seeing no action being taken, several people on the social media offered to pay for a new typewriter for the man.
The pictures of the incident did several rounds on Facebook too. A lot of people tagged the UP CM office and CM Akhilesh Yadav and asked him to take prompt action. The Chief Minister’s Office took note of the posts and initiated action against the sub-inspector. CM Akhilesh Yadav later ordered the suspension of Pradeep Kumar for is actions.
The CMO also tweeted to the DSP and DM of the area to gift Krishna Kumar with two typewriters.