An auto ride in Mumbai turned into a nightmare for 23-year-old Srishti Singh on Tuesday night when the auto driver started masturbating in front of her. The incident comes on the heels of similar one that took place in Colaba on Monday.
At about 8.20 pm, when Singh was travelling in an auto from Malad station to Rizvi Colony, after reaching the destination, the driver stopped the auto and masturbated in front of her.
“At first, when I was in the rickshaw, I saw him doing something, I thought something must be itching. But what I saw after I got down is the most torturous thing and probably every girl’s nightmare,” said Singh.
Singh had walked out of the station from a side where not a lot of share rickshaws were present. After being refused by 4-5 drivers, this man agreed to take her.
Singh claims that the auto driver purposely took her on a longer route. “He took me from the Raheja’s Govind Nagar road, which is usually dimly lit and deserted. He said he did it to avoid traffic, but after the incident I realise what he was actually trying to do,” she said .
On reaching Rizvi Colony, Singh got down and looked for money in her purse. It’s when she looked up, she saw what the driver was up to all this while. “As soon as I started yelling at him, he hurriedly turned his rickshaw, threw the money out, almost dashed into a wall and fled.” said Singh, who has managed to note down the number of the plate. In an attempt to stop him, Singh almost got run over.
In the morning when Singh tried to find the guy through a government website, it crashed. “The website showed errors. So I will go to the police station. I will not at any cost let him get away with this. I will file an FIR and make sure he gets due punishment,” Singh said.
Though Singh’s friends have raisesd concerns over taking action, she refuses to be cowed. “My friends tell me that sometimes these people take revenge by throwing acid and all. But I’m determined. I will make sure others stand against such heinous incidents, which all the girls go through but never complain about,” she said.