New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday extended full support to his Bihar counterpart Nitish Kumar’s bid for another shot at power as the two leaders attacked Prime Minister Narendra Modi for announcing a Rs 1.25 lakh crore package for the election-bound state.
Sharing a public platform for the first time, the two also made a common cause over special category status for Bihar and full statehood for Delhi.
Kejriwal also agreed to visit Bihar at Kumar’s invitation, hailing him for his “committment” to fighting corruption when the two Chief Ministers came together at a function to give away awards to people of Bihar and Poorvanchal (eastern Uttar Pradesh) living in Delhi, who have made significant contributions in various fields.
tate to ensure the victory of Kumar’s party JD(U) in the assembly elections in the same manner in which they helped catapult his own party to power in Delhi where it won 67 of the 70 assembly seats.
Attacking the Prime Minister over his announcement of a whopping Rs 1.25 lakh crore package for Bihar, both questioned whether Modi was trying to “buy out” Bihari voters and accused him of “insulting” them.
Citing a number of poll promises made by Modi in the run-up to the Lok Sabha polls, Kejriwal asked how will people of Bihar believe he will give the state so much money.
“Modi should tell whether he will give this money after winning the polls or losing it. He is not going to give either way. Not to speak of Rs 1.25 lakh crore, he will not give them even Rs 1.25,” Kejriwal said.
Kumar took serious exception to the manner in which Modi made the announcement and wondered whether he thought Bihar was being put to “auction”.