Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Bachchan celebrate their 42nd wedding anniversary on June 3, 2015. While Jaya Bachchan in not in the country at the moment, Big B mentioned their special day on his daily blog. The actor wrote a special note describing the wedding day. He posted, “The hurried simple preparations .. the ceremony in Bengali tradition .. the drive from my rented place to the apartment of a dear friend of Jaya’s family .. my driver Nagesh insisting on driving me , sehra bound, to the site, not permitting my brother to do the honours .. the gentle drops of rain that began to fall just before .. the neighbours rushing to our place on seeing this and telling us to depart for the wedding, as the rain was a wonderful omen of auspiciousness .. and finally after it was all over, the entrance of the bride into our home and the departure soon after to London with some dear friends for a honeymoon .. our very first visit to the UK ..” [sic]
Amitabh’s words offer an insight into their wedding day celebrations. Big B and Jaya Bachchan indeed make for a wonderful pair both on screen and off it. However, Amitabh Bachchan wants to romance another Bollywood actress