Just a while back, we reported that Bombay Velvet is expected to clock in around Rs 16 crore in its first weekend. Well, the official figures are out and the film has made Rs 16.10 crore at the Indian BO…
Ranbir Kapoor, Anushka Sharma and Karan Johar starrer Bombay Velvet hasn’t got cash registers jingling. In fact, Anurag Kashyap’s latest offering has fared worse than Jr Kapoor’s Besharam which was declared a big flop. I say so because the opening weekend collection of Bombay Velvet is less than the first day collection of Besharam which by the way was directed by Anurag’s brother Abhinav Kashyap. Now that’s an interesting anecdote, hai na? Coming back to BV, the film released last Friday and despite featuring talented actors like Jr Kapoor and Anushka, it has failed to impress the audience wee bit.