New Delhi: The Arvind Kejriwal-led Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Government on Friday accused Lieutenant Governor Najeeb Jung of acting in an unconstitutional manner by issuing instructions directly to the Secretary (Services) to give the additional charge of Chief Secretary of Delhi to senior bureaucrat Shakuntala Gamlin.
The Lieutenant Governor by-passed the elected Government, the Chief Minister and Deputy Chief Minister (who also acts as the Minister in-charge of Services department). Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor does not have the extra-ordinary powers under the Constitution to bypass the elected Government and issue instructions directly to the Secretaries, whatever be thein a statement.
“The Government of NCT of Delhi had certain reservations about the conduct of Gamlin because of which the Government was hesitant to given the additional charge of Chief Secretary to her,” the statement added.
The statement further said that Gamlin was perceived to be extremely close to electricity companies in Delhi and was “lobbying for their interests within the government”.
“However, the Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor, in a completely unconstitutional manner appointed Smt Shakuntala Gamlin, to this position. The hon’ble Lieutenant Governor has acted against the Constitution, GNCT of Delhi Act and the Transaction of Business Rules,” said the statement.
Jung had earlier today appointed Gamlin as the acting Chief Secretary of Delhi despite Kejriwal’s reluctance. provocation,” the Delhi Government said