Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of running a government for the “super rich” and slammed his government for the “inordinate urgency” for bringing the Land Acquisition Ordinance hurting the farmers.
Mr. Kejriwal launched a major political attack on Mr. Modi, the first after his landslide victory in the Delhi Assembly polls in February, at a farmers rally here, but the event was marred by the suicide of a farmer from Rajasthan, who hanged himself from a tree in front of the chief minister.
He alleged that the central government has “betrayed” the trust of the farmers on whose votes the BJP came to power.
“The farmers had reposed trust in Narendra Modi and voted him to power. Now they have lost their trust (in the government) within a year. They are coming out in thousands protesting against the land bill,” he said, addressing a modest gathering.
“Narendra Modi government is anti-farmer. It is a government of the super rich. The bill has been brought to favour the super rich who move 24 hours around Modi,” Mr. Kejriwal alleged.
He sought to know what was the urgency behind bringing the Ordinance which is an emergency power. “The whole country wants to know why was it brought — was there a project that was stalled? If there was no such thing, then what was the hurry?” the chief minister asked.