While it’s a known fact that Sunny Leone has been roped in to perform on stage at an event in Hyderabad on New Year’s Eve, the latest news is that even Poonam Pandey will be seen shaking her leg on stage at a different venue in the city. Apparently, the actress was roped in at the last moment and since she’ll be shooting a song in the city for her upcoming Telugu film, Malini & Co, she was more than happy to be part of the event.
“Poonam Pandey will be grooving on stage and she’ll select one lucky member from the audience, who will get a chance to dance with her in a song in Malini & Co. She’s very excited to perform in Hyderabad,” a source close to the actress said.
With both Poonam Pandey and Sunny Leone gearing up to dazzle the partygoers in Hyderabad, it remains to be seen which of the two events makes the maximum splash on December 31.