New Delhi: After a week in office, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday said his government was going to cut power tariff and launch a free water scheme “very soon” in line with election promises made by Aam Aadmi Party.
Kejriwal said his government has already finalised a “blue-print” on issues relating to power and water which were focus areas for AAP during the election campaign while it will take at least a year to make Delhi a “wi-fi city”.
“Our team has rolled out a blue-print for electricity and water. I hope to give the good news to you all very soon to reduce the rates of power and water. We are working on the lines of our governance model that we followed during our 49- day stint,” Kejriwal said.
The Chief Minister said his government was also working on implementing the poll promise of free wi-fi and added that it will take at least one year.
“A few days back, you all voted for us giving a heavy majority. Congratulations to you all. It’s a big burden. It’s a big responsibility. You all have very high hope. We are working round-the-clock. We are focusing on work and talking less,” Kejriwal said.
He was speaking after inaugurating the annual Garden Tourism Festival at Saket in South Delhi.
In its manifesto, AAP had promised to cut power tariff by 50 per cent immediately after coming to power and said the rates will be revised based on the findings of an CAG audit which the Kejriwal government had announced during its first stint.
He said people of the city have lot of expectations from his government on the electricity and water issues and it was going to fulfil them.
The AAP in its manifesto had also promised 20 kilolitres (20,000 litres) of free water to every household per month. The previous AAP government had introduced the free water scheme but it was discontinued after it quit.