Actor Rohit Roy, who is playing a lensman in Madhur Bhandarkar‘s upcoming film ‘Calender Girls’, says he took inspiration from noted fashion photographer Atul Kasbekar for his role.
‘Calendar Girls‘, starring five newcomers, revolves around models who gain fame after featuring in famous calendars.
“I play a photographer in the film. My character is inspired by renowned fashion photographer Atul Kasbekar. It’s a very interesting role to play,” Rohit told PTI.
The ‘Shootout at Lokhandwala’ star is also penning a film script, which he will start shooting by the year end.
“I am at the final stage of writing. The film is a slice-of-life one. We will start shooting it soon as I am done with the final draft. I am excited to make my debut as a director,” he said.
Rohit, who started his showbiz career with TV, made a comeback to the small screen after a gap of seven years and currently stars as a happy-go-lucky station master on ‘Peterson Hill’.