New Delhi: The controversial show by AIB, where Bollywood biggies—Karan Johar, Ranveer Singh, Arjun Kapoor and several others were seen knocking out each other with their ‘pun intended’ jokes has landed itself in trouble.
After celebrities were seen supporting actors Ranveer and Arjun for being brave enough to sail through such ‘personal’ comments being made at during the show, it has now been reported that several political parties have demanded strict action against the organisers of the show.
The obscene and derogatory content of the show is the reason why many are raising their voice against the same. Reports suggest that AIB has pulled down the video from YouTube for the time being. According to a leading daily, Maharashtra chief minister Devendra Fadnavis even assured that strict action will be taken against any violation, if the content is found to be vulgar.
MNS too has reportedly demanded an apology from the participants, lest they would stop their films from getting releases in the state. Earlier, filmmaker and censor board member Ashok Pandit too had attacked Karan Johar, one of the participants in the AIB Knockout session through a tweet that was distasteful.