Mumbai: Taking strong exception to attempts by some Hindutva outfits to “glorify” Nathuram Godse, the killer of Mahatma Gandhi, activists on Friday alleged things were moving as per the RSS script and questioned the “silence” of Modi government over the issue.
“I am not surprised by this open praise of Godse and attack on pluralism but it is disheartening to see it happen. Things are going, as they say, as per the script of the RSS. But, this is a dangerous journey,” social activist Ram Puniyani told reporters here on the occasion of death anniversary of the Father of the Nation.
Patrons of the Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal, an organisation dedicated to promoting Gandhian ideals, questioned Modi government’s “tacit encouragement” to those who oppose Gandhian principles and eulogise Godse.
Describing the Mahatma’s murder as the “first attack on India’s social fabric by the Hindu nationalists,” they urged people to introspect about the attack on pluralism and secularism today by those who follow Godse.
“This is not a clash between two individuals, but between two thoughts. The one led by Babasaheb Ambedkar, Bhagat Singh and Mahatma Gandhi, which stood for nationalism and valued the tenets of the Indian constitution during the fight for independence.
“The other is Godse, whom they call a patriot. But this is nothing but nationalism in the name of religion,” Puniyani said.
Expressing his concern over the increase in instances of public glorification of Godse, Puniyani wondered why was Modi silent even as his party leaders continue making objectionable comments.