The five month wait for TV heartthrob and Diya Aur Baati Hum actor Gautam Gulati finally came to an end on Saturday. Gautam, a favourite with viewers, won Bigg Boss Halla Bol, beating Karishma Tanna. The actor took home the prize money of Rs 50 lakh and the Bigg Boss trophy.
Bigg Boss 8: Twitterati support Gautam Gulati
Sources inform that Gautam was pitted against Karishma Tanna and Pritam in the top three. However, in an interesting twist of events, all the top three contestants were offered Rs 25 lakh and Pritam, who was also considered as one of the strongest contestants, took the prize money and decided to quit the show. Thus, Gautam won the show leaving behind Karishma Tanna as the second runner-up.