New Delhi: Aam Aadmi Party Friday took a swipe at the BJP for its newspaper advertisement, in which Anna Hazare’s cartoon has been shown with a garland, prompting AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal to cheekily ask whether the saffron party had “killed” the veteran anti-corruption crusader.
In a series of tweets today, AAP chief Kejriwal said, “Nathuram Godse killed Gandhiji on this day in 1948. BJP has killed Anna in its ad today. Shudn’t BJP apologise?”
In the advertisement, BJP has also shown Kejriwal’s cartoon in which he is promising not to take support from Congress, but he has been shown to have done “marriage” with Congress.
In another tweet, Kejriwal asked his supporters to be vigilant, saying ‘To all AAP volunteers n supporters. Evil forces will try to divert ur (your) attention. But pl (please) stay focused on positive agenda for Delhi.”
“AAP is forming govt in Delhi. Get ready to serve Delhi and to make it safe for women,” Kejriwal said in another tweet.
Again he tweeted, “I will always pray for well being and good health of Annaji”.