Kiran Bedi, BJP’s chief ministerial candidate for Delhi, has debuted on AAP posters. And this is the choice the party is offering voters: Pick between imandar (honest) or avsarvadi (opportunist), with photos of Arvind Kejriwal and Bedi above.
The posters were first spotted pasted on the back of auto-rickshaws in the city.
“Few a days, the BJP was asking us if the AAP will put up Kiran Bedi’s picture during campaign. We answered,” AAP spokesperson Atishi Marlena was quoted as telling ANI on Saturday.
But the BJP called the posters “ridiculous.”
“It is highly ridiculous. People of Delhi know who is truly an opportunist,” BJP spokesman Sambit Patra told ANI.
Earlier, posters with photos of BJP leader Jagdish Mukhi and Kejriwal with this question: ‘Who should be Delhi’s chief minister?’ was pasted behind auto-rickshaws.
The BJP was miffed at the poster since Mukhi was never named as the party’s CM candidate and it threatened to sue the AAP. The posters were soon taken down.
Now comes this new poster, with AAP pitting Bedi, a former IPS officer, against Kejriwal, and deliberately provoking the BJP, with the “opportunist” tag on Bedi.
Bedi joined the BJP on January 15 and is coneting the polls from Krishna Nagar constituency, avoiding a direct fight with Kejriwal, who is contesting from New Delhi.
Delhi votes on February 7.