Indian actress Parineeti Chopra whose forthcoming film Daawat-e-Ishq trailer has recently been released this month has done a sizzling photoshoot for the latest July 2014 edition of Femina India magazine cover. She has posed wearing a faboulous Atsu Sekhose gown and some very beautiful creations by Gauri & Nainika, Anamika Khanna, Amit Aggarwal, Sonaakshi Raaj, and JJ Valaya.
In her upcoming movie Daawat-e-Ishq she will be seen opposite Aditya Roy Kapoor. In this film Parineeti Chopra is essaying the character of a Hyderabadi based Shoes sales girl named Gulrez who is in search of a bride groom while Aditya will be seen as a master Chef.