New Delhi, Dec. 25 — At 21, Alia Bhatt already has three hits to her credit, and now she wants to work with the Khans (Aamir, Shah Rukh or Salman), who are much older than her. However, the actor feels that age doesn’t pose as a problem nowadays, as Bollywood is increasingly churning out experimental scripts that result in unusual pairings.
You have not been keeping well of late.
I am feeling much better now. Actually, after I fell sick for the first time, I had recovered completely but was unwell again. The entire year has been really hectic for me. Sometimes, I feel that since I have had so many major illnesses this year, it only means I must have worked very hard. So, I will be happy if people say that 2014 belongs to me.
You recently said that you want to work with the Khans…
What I meant to say was that nowadays filmmakers are making different kinds of movies, so it is possible for me to work with different actors. It (working with the Khans) might have sounded impossible 10-15 years back (keeping the age difference in mind), but since new-age directors are not scared of experimenting with innovative stories and scripts, there is much more scope to work with the Khans now.
A few days back, reports suggested that you had arrived at a party alone, but left with Sidharth Malhotra?
I have video proof that I entered alone and stepped out with a director friend. I didn’t come out with Sid. And even if I did, people just put two and two together to make something completely unimaginable. I seriously feel that there are more important things happening in the world than who’s coming out with whom.
So, you are not seeing anyone right now?
No, not at all. I have absolutely no time right now for anything else except for work. For the past six to seven months, my focus has been completely on films.
Your name is attached to so many films…
What can I say? I can’t do so many movies (at the same time), right? Officially, I can confirm two films – the first one is with Shahid (Kapoor), which I have shot, and then Ayan’s (Mukerji) next with Ranbir (Kapoor). I haven’t signed or confirmed anything else yet.