As per complaints were received by Real news of India, by local residents a sting operation with the help of Social Service branch and with the initiative of Real News of India was executed at 1pm on 16th December. In the operation three pimps and three prostitutes were arrested. These pimps operate all over Mumbai with their clients from upper middle class and the rich. This racket has been going on for the past 12 years and location is Hill Road, in very close proximity to Bandra West Police station.
Real News of India received a lot of complaints from local residents about the illegal activities going around Hill Road. The police did not take any action towards this matter. It is now to be seen as to how Bandra West Police station takes up this issue.
Three girls have been arrested along with 3 pimps. They are at present under the custody of Bandra West Police Station. These girls hail from Kolkata and Delhi. There are many more prostitutes operating under this racket. The deal is done on a moving car. The rate is fixed by the pimp and then the girl is now transferred to the next car of the client. The ongoing rate per girl ranges from R4,000-Rs 25,000. Most of the girls come to Mumbai through the network of these pimps.
SS branch is active in these kinds of raids which are mostly prostitution, betting and CD piracy. They then hand over the case to the respective Police Station. However SS branch are very much in shortage of staff. Most of these illegal activities are happening in very close proximity of any given police station. It is a matter of concern and curiosity as to how the police do not know about these activities.