Navin Tyagi, general secretary of the UP unit of Hindu Mahasabha, a right wing outfit has made this outrageous demand. He even further demands girls wearing jeans or skimpy dresses should be labeled as prostitutes.
Mr Tyagi might have forgotten that even during God’s times there were Rukmanis and other dancers who were treated an equal member of the then early civilizations. People were open minded and civilized than the present mongers who at night spend time and money in dance bars and during the day whole heartedly criticize them.
A dance is beautiful form of art and needs talent to perform them. This is 2014 the modern era with the full intrusion of the internet. How can our girls be aloof of this global village phenomenon? It is the sick mind set of filthy man to have such ideas.
They are definitely been directed by higher up people of power to instigate such ideas in the society. Then we honourable ministers saying wearing bikinis in the beach should be banned. Wearing short dresses should be banned. Then what is the right attire for places like this? If these wise men could suggest.
We live in a secular system where we should respect each other’s sentiments and culture. When a particular community wears skirts as a decent outfit nobody has the right to cry foul. So let’s not be surprised to come across such more disturbing messages in future.