Pithoragarh: Border trade worth over Rs 3 crore took place between India and China this year through Lipulekh pass in Pithoragarh district of Uttarakhand, according to final figures released by Dharchula sub-division of the district on Monday.
Indian traders imported goods worth Rs 2,14,71707 from Taklakot Mart in Chinese territory of Tibet while they sold goods worth Rs 19,12,0515 to their Tibetan clients.
“The imported goods include Pashmina wool, raw Tibetan wool jackets, shoes, and animal skin, besides several medicinal herbs while exported items include tobacco, sugar candy, jaggery (Gur) and items of daily use,” said Pramod Kumar, designated trade officer and SDM of Dharchula.
According to the official, a total of 273 persons, including 89 traders and their helpers had gone to Taklakot mart in western Tibet to transact business