The Aam Aadmi Party feels that Shiv Sena and the BJP are busy attacking each other and indulging in petty rivalry and misusing the agencies at their disposal. This is costing the state and is impacting the well-being of the citizenry.
“We have just emerged, from the 3rd wave of Covid and there should be plans to restart the economy and rehabiliate those who have been adversely impacted by the pandemic.
Instead of doing that the only thing we see is a spectacle where all corruption is being exposed, without any firm action against corruption.
“What is disappointing is that despite the BJP being in power in the center and having all its agency at its disposal and the MVA Govt being in power in the state and having their agency at disposal, hardly anyone goes to jail.
They just make acccusations against each other, but no ‘Kirit Somaiya’ or ‘Sanjay Raut’ ever goes to jail.
There is just a charade of ED calling for questioning, and everybody be it the top cops, bureaucrats and the politicians, they all come and answer some questions and go away.
No body is really convicted and that is the sad part of this vendatta politics.
Both the sides are aware, that if they arrest one person of them then, they can arrest one person from ours. So no body will really be brought to justice, despite all the scams that are taking place.
All that they will do is threaten each other, compromise and continue the corruption, that they are already doing. This will continue to be the the fate of Maharashtra untill a new Govt comes to power which works for its people and not for the selfish agenda of the politicians who rule it.”, said Preeti Sharma Menon, AAP National Executive Member and Mumbai Prabhai.