The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has asked Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) chief Arvind Kejriwal to clean his house first before pointing fingers at others. The party also sent him pictures of dirty toilet blocks and poorly maintained streets in his own constituency, New Delhi.
The AAP has been sending pictures of overflowing dhalaos (garbage stations) and toilet blocks to the three mayors of the BJP-led municipal corporations, wanting them to be cleaned as part of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.
“While we welcome such suggestions, we feel you are politicising the issue. In your own New Delhi constituency, a number of toilet blocks are in a bad shape and require your immediate attention. We request you to first clean your constituency before concentrating on any other part of the city,” Praveen Shankar Kapoor, co-convenor of Delhi BJP media cell, wrote to Kejriwal.
“It is sad that despite being a former chief minister of Delhi, you’re just trying to find faults in the cleanliness campaign instead of working to improve the city,” Kapoor wrote to Kejriwal.
The pictures sent to AAP on Thursday are of toilet blocks at Gole Market, Ashoka Road, and Connaught Place.
Kejriwal is one of the members of the New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC)—which is mandated to keep toilets and the area clean – by virtue of being the New Delhi MLA
Earlier, soon after sending pictures to the three mayors, AAP leader Kejriwal had tweeted: “BJP has been in power in MCD for last 7 years. Will they clean it up now as per PM’s wishes? Would Swachh Bharat mean only Shramdan on October 2 or does it mean really having clean India? Ultimately, cleaning has to be done by MCD.”
Kejriwal had also tweeted photographs of garbage and filth on the city streets.
Sources in the BJP said that they are planning to carry out a similar exercise across the city and will take up constituencies of AAP MLAs.