Bihar Chief Minister Jeetan Ram Manjhi alleged on Sunday that a temple in Madhubani was “washed” after his visit. He added that the people behind the incident, however, do not hesitate to touch his feet to seek “personal favours”.
Recalling the incident, Manjhi said he visited Parmeshwari Sthan, in Brahmin-dominated Tharhi village in Rajnagar assembly constituency, during the bypoll campaign last month. “My ministerial colleague Ram Lashan Raman told me how the deity and temple were cleaned soon after I visited the temple… I had gone on someone’s request,” said Manjhi, who belongs to the scheduled caste
“Those who would not hesitate to touch my feet to seek personal favours nurse such feelings… Tell me what is this,” he said.
However, no case has been lodged against the temple priests in the absence of a formal complaint. – See more at: