Siddharth Anand’s latest directorial venture Bang Bang has stormed the box office literally. We say so coz his film, which stars Hrithik Roshan and Katrina Kaif in the lead, is already set to enter the Rs 100 crore club. Bang Bang, which is the official remake of Knight and Day, hit the hit screens on October 2 and got off to a flying start. Within two days, the action flick minted Rs 51.62 crore nett at the Indian box office. Impressive, hai na? On Saturday and Sunday too the film’s collections were over Rs 20 crore nett and that’s the reason Bang Bang’s opening weekend collection now stands at Rs 94.13 crore nett.
Hrithik and Kat’s film is expected to cross Rs 100 crore mark at the ticket windows by today afternoon. Also, since its a holiday in some parts of the country, chances are that Bang Bang will gross big amount even today and pass Monday test quite easily.
Well, if Bang Bang continues its dream run at the box office then we are pretty sure many more records will be broken and re-written.