The Mumbai arm of the Aam Aadmi Party suffered a major blow on Tuesday after two of the party’s most prominent faces tendered resignations from their party positions. State Convener Anjali Damania, who contested the Lok Sabha election unsuccessfully against Nitin Gadkari in Nagpur, and State Secretary Preeti Sharma Menon resigned citing personal reasons.
Both had put in their papers in June and had spoken candidly of their unhappiness with developments in the party in the aftermath of the Lok Sabha elections. But soon after withdrew it.
Though AAP is not contesting the Maharashtra Assembly elections, the resignations of Damania and Menon from their leadership positions in the state executive committee indicate a churn within the party that is at present supposed to be focusing on party-building. The official reason cited for the resignations is that the duo “could not cope with the multi-tasking” that was expected of them.